Aftercare is extremely important for a recovering addict to prevent relapse. It’s easy to fall back into your old habits once you leave rehabilitation if you don’t continue to attend treatment.
Rehabilitation is intended to lay the foundation you need in order to maintain a healthy and sober life down the line. You learn positive coping and social skills throughout your recovery program, but it’s vital that you follow your aftercare plan very carefully, as your follow-up treatment will help you to continue honing your skills.
A few other tips to help prevent relapse include the following:- Find a group of sober friends: This can be achieved by attending 12-step meetings, support groups, or alternative approach meetings.
- Change your phone number: This will assist in severing connections with those who tempt you to use and establish new healthy connections and supports.
- Focus on proper nutrition and exercise: Being in good physical health can help you to feel good about yourself and improve mental health, which will help you to fight cravings and avoid relapse.
- Keep yourself busy: Try new things and discover new hobbies, which will help you avoid being idle or bored, which can be a trigger for falling back into old habits.
- Utilize meditation: Mindfulness can be beneficial for anyone who suffers from anxiety or depression and can even help to manage everyday stress and unwanted negative emotions, which are all triggers for relapse.